What to Expect


Most come very casually dressed and a few dress up a bit. Feel free to come however you are most comfortable. 


Parking is available in the OCBC lot just beside the church building for the duration of the Sunday morning service and Adult Forum hour. Street parking is also ample on Sunday mornings. We are also just five blocks from the Harvard Square T if you are taking public transportation. 

Our Sunday Services

We worship each Sunday morning at 10:30am in a service that includes spoken prayers, congregational singing, special music from musicians and the choir at OCBC, and a sermon from our pastor or a guest to the OCBC pulpit. Each service lasts between 60 and 90 minutes.


We have a Sunday school class for ages 1 through 12 every Sunday on the first floor of the church building. A greeter can guide you to the proper place.


On the first Sunday of each month, we celebrate the ancient tradition of sharing Communion (some call this the Eucharist). We always have gluten free bread available, as well as the option of either wine or grape juice, depending upon your dietary needs. We celebrate open communion, inviting anyone to the table (including children) who wish to find sustenance in community and to share in the life of peace and justice taught to us by Jesus. You don't have to "believe" anything in particular to partake. This simple meal is a symbol of our community together with one another striving to follow in the ways of Jesus.

After the Service

Everyone is invited to stay for coffee and other refreshments immediately following the service in the back of the sanctuary. Most Sundays from September through May, we gather from 12:15 until 1:30 for an Adult educational forum (childcare also available) and a light lunch is provided. During the summer months, we usually don't hold Adult Forums, but many go out for brunch after the services, so you're always welcome to join a group!